Wouter Wolfs

Wouter Wolfs is a Lecturer and Senior Researcher at the Public Governance Institute. He received a postdoctoral fellowship of the Research Foundation Flanders to examine the use of policy advice and capacity-building of policy support in the European Parliament. He is also the principal investigator of the project “Between European Values, Contestation and Survival: the Changing Law and Politics of a Geopolitical European Union (CHANGE)” of the UNA Europa Programme. Wouter Wolfs studied Contemporary History, Comparative and International Politics, and European Politics and Policies in Leuven and in Budapest. After working as a policy advisor in the European Parliament, he was a teaching and research assistant at the University of Leuven. From 2015 to 2019, Wouter was a PhD Fellow of the Research Foundation Flanders. In 2019, Wouter defended his doctoral thesis on the funding of European political parties. In 2020-2021, he was a Fellow of the Re:Constitution Programme and conducted research fellowships at the Party Research Institute (PRuF) of the Heinrich Heine University of Düsseldorf and the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance in Stockholm.